Flashguard Beacons
Flashguard high effective beacons are ideal visual indicators in a variety of applications. Utilising modern LED components to provide a flash that matches or improves on previous designs and technologies whilst offering longer expected component life.
All Flashguard beacons are fitted with a diffuser for greater visibility and spread of light. DC versions offer the ability to wire for flashing or static operation in a single unit and two useful distinct styles to support intented use. Standard and Ultra Low Profile (ULP).
Standard: includes a terminal block and a 27mm deep base supplied with a seal and gromit.
ULP: comes complete with a moulded screw and nylon wingnut. also supplied with mountinggasket and 40cm of cable.
Part Numbers
Compact, clean sleek appearance
Long life LED design
Weatherproof, rated IP65 (Standard) IP67 (ULP)
White high quality polycarbonate housing
Interfere-less safety locking head to base (Standard)
Flashing or Static operation (AC versions flash only)